2.4. Categories & Suppliers
In the "Categories & Suppliers" window there are two panes:
The left pane shows the way ICEcat categorized the product listings. These categories may not correspond to your categories.
At the right pane, you can see product Suppliers (manufacturers) who provided their data for ICEcat.
If you do not see categories, click the [Load Categories & Suppliers] button. This will retrieve categories and product suppliers.
Select those categories you want to retrieve products for. Note that free ICEcat catalog contains more than 290,000 products and full ICEcat listings have even more - there's no need to retrieve all of them. A large amount of data may significantly slow down software performance especially on slow computers.
If you don't see suppliers, click the [Load Categories & Suppliers] button that will retrieve product suppliers (manufacturers) as well as categories.
Please, note that in order to load categories & suppliers you have to log into the ICEcat system.
Press the [Settings] button:
Then enter your login and password:
It is recommended to select all suppliers before you proceed to the next step (use the right-mouse click to select all categories in bulk).
Click the [Load Products] button after you selected the necessary categories and suppliers.
When products are loaded, proceed to the "Products" page.