2.6. Synchronize Data

On this page, you can find ICEcat products corresponding to products at your store.

Click [Find Matching Products] to start searching. It will try to find most relevant products in ICEcat catalog using product SKU number and name.

Upper area displays your products. If you select a product, you will see ICEcat products corresponding to the selected product in the lower area. There, can be several products matching criteria partially. The higher relevancy, the more adequate product is.

You can link (assign) ICEcat products to your products manually or use controls above to link them automatically.

Select some product, and double-click on a product below to create a link.

Select the necessary relevancy level and click [Custom Relevancy] to set or remove links for multiple products at once.

If you don't see the necessary product in the list, you can try to find ICEcat product manually. For this, click the [Find and Link ICEcat Product] button on the toolbar.

When you finish linking products, you have to select what product information you want to update. You can update Product Name, Short Description, Long Description, Manufacturer, Thumbnail Image, Low Res Image and High Res Image.

Each of those items has appropriate column in the upper grid. Select those items you want to update. Unselected items will not be updated even if there's ICEcat product linked. Don't forget to check the Languages you want to update.